Your technical burglary prevention specialist
"For more than 25 years your window and door burglary prevention specialist with over 14,850 customers throughout Belgium!"
The security consultant
At the start of the free security study your METASAFE security consultant will inform you about how you yourself can help prevent a burglary.
Together with you, a security study of your home will be made. The conditions for a good prevention plan are that all points are equally well secured. A highly secured front door means nothing if the burglar can simply walk in through the back door. This security study will result in a personalised security personal.
The security proposal
Every home is different, and every prevention plan is unique and made to order. First of all, there are the minimum requirements for a proper protection of your home, which keep the burglar out by slowing him down as much as possible.
Your METASAFE security consultant will show you the diversity of our products and tell you the advice regarding their use and unique properties to demonstrate the differences in quality.
Tax or other benefits
Ask your METASAFE security consultant about METASAFE’s benefits.
Our security proposal includes a fixed price which does not leave any room for unexpected additional costs, such as direct labour, travel expenses, etc...
The installation
Finally, the actual safety of a well-considered and personalised burglary prevention proposal depends on an expert installation.
Thanks to the 10-year warranty, you can enjoy our free full service and after-sales service. This applies for any damage in case of a burglary entered by a window or door secured by MetaSafe. All other interventions or reparations will be invoiced.
Do not hesitate to contact us via mail or telephone for more information. We will gladly help you.